Here are some local resources and there are APPS down below.
KRUNCH South West : Youth Clubs, Personal Development, Mentoring and more http://www.krunch.org.uk/krunch-sw/
Attic Café Youth Club : A youth club for Years 10-13 based in the church but open to anyone in the community.
Basement Café Youth Club :A youth club for Years 7-9 based in the church but open to anyone in the community. www.thornburybaptistchurch.org.uk…
Email: mike @thornburybaptistchurch.org.uk
South Glous Gov : Young Peoples page to info and access multiple services on health and well-being, training and support.
South Glos talking therapies (IAPT) for over 16’s
Tel 0117 378 4270
Email awp.SouthGlosTalkingTherapies@nhs.net
South Glos Anxiety Tool Kit
A guide for parents and carers to support their children and young people and
also a self-help guide for young people.
School Nurse Service – Contact through your GP
JIGSAW: support for families who have children who are 0-25 years and have any additional needs or disability. www.jigsawthornbury.org.uk
Local Counsellors who work with adolescents:
http://www.do-happy.com – counselling
http://www.counsellingmelwilks.co.uk – counselling
CAMHS FRONT DOOR: single place to access support or help for professionals, parents and young people:
email- awp.camhsgettingadvice@nhs.net
Or phone- 0300 303 1320 CAMHS 24/7 crisis line for children, young people and families.
Off the Record (OTR) www.otrbristol.org.uk/
Enquiries (freephone): 0808 808 9120 hello@otrbristol.org.uk
OTR Offer counselling and group work in Bristol and South Glos. OTR offers
a HARMED workshop which is designed specifically to support young people
who self-harm.
Bristol Wellbeing Therapies (IAPT) for over 16’s
Tel 0117 9823 209
Bourne Family Project (South Glos) www.bournefamilyproject.org
Tel: 0117 947 8441
Play therapy available for children. Donations of what you can afford are
welcome however free play therapy is available if you are unable to donate.
Self-help with a Cost Associated:
HELP! – https://www.help-counselling.org.uk (Available in Yate and Bristol)
Help is a counselling service available for ages between 9-25yrs. HELP! have
trained, independent, counsellors and psychotherapists who listen in a nonjudgemental way, and give you a safe space to talk through issues. Donations
are requested £3 – £40 per session.
APPS recommended:
For Me app (Child line)
For support with emotional health difficulties.
Self-help Anxiety Management (SAM)
This app is helpful for helping the user manage their anxiety. The anxiety
tracker can help the user better understand things that make them feel
anxious, whilst the self-help toolkit allows them to learn new skills around
anxiety management.
CalmHarm has some very good distraction techniques young people may find
useful if they are feeling the urge to self-harm. These include breathing
support, distraction techniques and creative activities. It can also help track
triggers for self-harm.
A mood diary app which allows you to track your feelings and to support you
to change your thoughts. Developed by the University of Manchester and
MeeTwo app encourages young people to help themselves by helping each
other. Turning difficult life experiences, into useful advice for someone else
who is struggling, increases confidence and builds resilience.
Create music to capture your mood and express how you feel with the Cove
app. Instead of words, create music to reflect emotions like joy, sadness, calm
and anger. You can store your music in a personal journal, or send them to
someone and let the music do the talking.
This app aims to help Young Adults to better understand urges to self-harm,
and encourages monitoring and managing symptoms. It can also help reduce
the risk of suicide. Designed for Young Adults aged 17+