PHASE continues to support young people through lockdown
Since March 2020, the volunteers and staff at PHASE have supported more than 80 young people, helping them cope with the challenges of the various lockdowns in the last 12 months.
During the first lockdown, volunteers delivered goodie bags to all those who had been receiving PHASE support. The packs had a host of things that encouraged and promoted self-care, supported their well-being and offered opportunities for continuing to connect with PHASE. PHASE also increased its social media presence to promote physical and emotional well-being and actioned policies so mentoring and counselling sessions could get up and running or take place remotely for those who wished.
Ally Budd, founder of PHASE said: “At the start of 2020 we were looking forward to expanding our services and increasing the support offered through extending our mentoring and counselling provision. We were working in partnership with other local organisations to reach out and connect with more young people. We have had to adapt to working in different ways to meet the current needs of our young people as we navigate our way through this pandemic. Launching ‘Walk and Talk Mentoring’ has been a highlight and since being able to return to school settings in October we were able to quickly increase our capacity to support more young people”.
The organisation has also launched a new website, thanks to technical support from SIM7 and financial support from the Round Table.
In the year ahead, PHASE plans to recruit and train more volunteers; provide on-going training opportunities; and forge links with more community organisations that enhance and complement the work it does. “We want to expand our counselling provision, working in more settings,” said Budd. “We have plans underway for specialist training to provide a skilled drug service and we want to increase parent support services that extend our working alliances with other community groups.”
In order to achieve its aims, PHASE urgently needs more funds and volunteers. It is appealing for anyone who may be able to offer time, skills, services as an individual or as a company to get in touch or donate. “We have lots of ideas and plans we would love to see come to fruition that seek to serve the young people of our community,” said Budd. “With your help we can make these real.”