PHASE recognises that the last few years have been tough for young people and parents/carers. We’ve had to cope with huge upheavals and adapt; working from home, furlough, less space, more stress, home schooling, less opportunity to seek connection. We are more aware of feeling isolated, under pressure and overwhelmed.
We will also provide Single Session Therapy (SST) counselling as well as continuing to provide individual 1-2-1 support for parents/carers.
Our aim is to create a service that supports parents/carers by building confidence, recognising strengths and creating community.
We offer a non-judgemental and compassionate listening ear to support you and your family to get to the place you want to be.
Support offered
Group Sessions can have a huge positive impact – listening and sharing with others helps us to see we are not alone. Sarah is an experienced group facilitator, therapist and a parent too. We will advertise these sessions here on our website and on our Social Media pages.
Counselling: PHASE can offer Single Session Therapy (SST) to parents. SST approach is dynamic: the counsellor and the client work to seek out the heart of an issue and consider positive ways to move forward with it. SST can be challenging and seeks to be as productive as possible. Our counsellors are experienced and will always work in your best interests.
Please click here if you’d like to email for more information. We work with each individual to assess needs and provide our best service.
Confidentiality is crucial, PHASE will not pass on any information without your consent unless a safeguarding issue arises. For any group sessions confidentiality will be addressed by the facilitator at the beginning of each session.
When you decided to have a baby, you probably had no idea that you may face any of these issues as your child entered adolescence. However, the reality is that most of us do at some point
self harm… drugs… alcohol… bullying… antisocial behaviour… loneliness…
eating disorders… under age sex… low self esteem… depression…
additional needs… sexting… school refusal… anxiety… teenage pregnancy
We’ve built a community of support for Thornbury’s young people and their families. What we want parents/carers to feel and know is that not only are the tricky times generally just a PHASE but they are not alone in this.
Adolescence is getting increasingly harder for lots of reasons – with all kinds of social pressures and education expectations (this means parenting is getting more and more difficult!) It’s important to understand the impact these external pressures have on our children alongside the physical changes that are taking place both hormonally and in their brain development and how this impacts on mood, behaviour, choices and relationships. We are passionate about helping both the young people we work with and their parents / carers understand all of this and find ways to work through it together in a positive way.
Gaining an understanding of this stuff can really help to depersonalise the negative behaviour that might get thrown at us by our teenagers.
Being a parent is one of the biggest challenges we will ever face, we speak to many parents who tell us that they wish they’d looked for help before crisis point but were too ashamed. Don’t be! All of us at PHASE are parents, we know how much you love your children and we want to help you get through this difficult stuff – we’re not here to judge, we’re here to help.
There are several ways we can help:
By providing mentoring or counselling for your child
By providing one to one parenting support for you with one of our Parenting Support Workers (this can happen remotely or in person)
By signposting you (where appropriate) to a specialised source of support
You guys are life changers! Both me and my Son are coping so much better with the ups and downs of teenage life since seeing your counsellor. I don’t know where we’d be now without your support. (Parent of child supported by PHASE Counselling)
I cried this morning as usual as my Son went to school, not the usual tears of fear and hopelessness, but relief. Today he meets your Mentor for the first time after my chats with you and I’m finally no longer alone in this. There is hope. (Parent of child supported by PHASE mentoring)